This is just a Tribute
“I wrote the first thing that came out of my head. It just happened to be, the best article in the world.”
(Inspired by “The best song in the world” by Tenacious D.)

In this blog series, I will guide you through my writing process, including my first drafts and potential revisions.
How to write an article
Writing is a structured, goal-driven activity. I have studied Linguistic Competence (The science of communication – in my case Writing) at University and I have learned the following activity plan:
- Define your goal
- Define your audience
- Define the context
- Create the overall structure
- Write
- Revise
- Publish
So, let’s see how this works out with the new article I am about to write. In my next article in this series I will focus on the first 3 steps out of this activity list. The end result - after step 7 - should be an article on LinkedIn.