An introduction to contextual intelligence

Contextual intelligence is the practical application of knowledge and information to real-world situations. This is an external, interactive process that involves both adapting to and modifying an environment to accomplish a desired goal; as well as recognizing when adaptation is not a viable option. This is the ability that is most closely associated with wisdom and practical knowledge. It is the best predictor of success in real-life performance situations.” Charlie Brown PhD (

It is inevitable that enterprises need to become more intelligent as they are facing increasing complexity, global competition, severe cost pressure, demanding stakeholders, constant change and uncertainty. An intelligent enterprise is social, high performing and future-resistant at the same time. To reach such a status, in my opinion enterprises need to  be able to systematically adapt knowledge, input from smart devices and data.

The Internet of Things

Current developments in mobile devices make it possible to gather information on the entire context of individuals: their location, movement, health, tasks, changes, environment.  On itself this is already a major step forward.  But  what if we could combine these data with context data from other devices - like surveillance cameras – and make use of Big Data and Linked Data? And what if we could automate decisions, make calculations and provide advices based on these data and embed these into processes?

Contextual Intelligence

Contextual intelligence offers organizations the opportunity to instantly make the most out of business opportunities and take well-informed decisions - whether automated or not - that take into account the specifics of each situation. These decisions lead to effective and result-oriented actions that are both based on a good, complete and unambiguous understanding of relevant signals, facts and circumstances as on correct interpretation. As a result organizations transform into intelligent enterprises that not only excel in the social domain, but that are high performing and future-proof as well because they evolve with developments and are able to deal with uncertainty.

To be continued

In my next blogs I will explore the various aspects of contextual intelligence:
- Technology
- Solutions
- Examples and cases


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