Working on a new concept for process-driven documentation

Yesterday I started working on a new concept for process-driven documentation. The goal is to provide a method that enables us to implement goal- and process-driven documentation during the implementation of new Business Process solutions.With this new concept I want to revive the 'old' Documentation 3.0 idea and implement it in a Business Process context. 
Main topics are:

  • How process-driven information can lead to more efficiency, better compliancy and lower risks
  • How documentation of our processes and products can be seen as a product of our processes, modeled by the business itself
  • How a Grow Live approach (instead of Go Live) can help us to continuously improve processes and information
I am working on this topic together with Thei Geurts, with whom I worked together on the Documentation 3.0 topic in 2007 and 2008. Some of you might remember our presentations at the STC Conference in Philadelphia or the ISTC Conference in Nottingham, both back in 2008. With this new view on process-driven documentation we will bring our ideas to a much broader audience. Stay tuned, as I will post some of the work in progress here.


Techquestioner said…
When you integrate your processes into documents like quick reference guides and installation checklists with integrated signature and date blocks, you can have one document that provides the process instructions, checkoffs and dates when each step is completed, and the final signed, dated, and approved document that provides the record that it was completed as specified.

I think this approach is ideal, but getting the resources to get to that point is the challenge.
Unknown said…
My idea is to turn it the other way around and integrate your documentation into the process. By doing so, you can provide your audiences with a specific view on the information from within their place or activity in the (business) process. The documentation itself is embedded in the process and grows with the maturity level of the organization and its processes and products. The documentation is also made actionable by making the process executable.

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