I'm back
Well, it has been a busy 6 months since I wrote my last blog. In the meantime I have visited two conferences and worked out some interesting stuff about the topic of using semantic technologies in documentation. I will post my ideas in the coming weeks.
USG People is a specialized provider of employment services in Europe, focusing on the market segments general and specialist temporary employment, professional secondment and projects, HR services and customer care. We provide this range of services through our independent operating companies. Our companies are active in thirteen European countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland. USG People shares are listed on the stock exchange NYSE Euronext Amsterdam. (Source: http://www.usgpeople.com/)
What did I work on? I was hired by Be Informed to create an overall knowledge infrastructure - in models. You can see a part of it on their website: http://www.beinformed.nl/. Untill the end of the year I will be working on this.
In January 2009 I will start as a Senior Information Advisor at USG People The Netherlands. After 12 years of working as a consultant in the ICT world, this is a welcome change. The core business of USG People is employment services and I will be working in their internal ICT department and advising the management of the operating companies on their ICT plans and projects.
