Be Informed announces international release

One of the disadvantages of the toolset - for international audiences - was that untill now all Be Informed releases were targeted at a Dutch user group, only containing on-line help and user assistance in Dutch.
Be Informed hired me to produce a new on-line help system for their product suite, featuring both English and Dutch documentation. With release 3.2.4 the first version of this on-line help - with both function related help and some task related guidance - will be available. The upcoming months a configuration wizard and step by step guidances will be added to the documentation.
The international release of Be Informed is scheduled to be launched on the 10th of December 2007. The on-line help will also be released on a website. I will come back to this as soon as it is available and provide you with a URL.
In my upcoming article in Communicator - the magazine of the ISTC - I will demonstrate how you can improve the effectiveness of documentation with tools like Be Informed.