A robot took over my work… and I feel fine – Episode 2

In my previous article I stated that I think that every single individual on this planet will be impacted by robotics. Of course for some individuals the impact will be larger than for others. I would personally welcome the help of a robot that could take over part of the administration that comes with my job. The robot in me Photo by: Matt Cooper (https://www.flickr.com/photos/matt_briston/) One of the things I do as NL Lead Automation for Accenture, is performing assessments at clients to figure out what processes could be automated. In most cases I simply sit next to a person that is performing a task, counting the activities and assessing the constraints in the process. In other cases, we receive videos or a report from an assessment tool. Could I - in this role - be replaced by a robot? I would say: yes. Can I design the robotic solution that replaces me? Yes, again. Would my clients benefit from a fully automated process? I doubt so. The human in me Techn...