A robot took over my work… and I feel fine – Episode 1

The title of this article sounds like the title of a rock song. It contains a contrast that represents the feeling a lot of people have when it comes to robotic process automation: Fear and acquiescence. Is Robotic Process Automation the new job killer? Or does is provide us with new opportunities and perhaps new jobs? There has been a lot of writing recently on how the rise of the robots will eliminate millions of jobs. According to World Economic Forum research, about 7 million jobs will be lost and 2 million gained as a result of technological change. Administrative and office jobs will account for two-thirds of the losses, with “routine white-collar office functions at risk of being decimated.” Impact on IT and BPO business Now let’s take a look at the business I am working in: IT and BPO. Analyst firm Horses for Sources has estimated the total impact of automation on IT/BPO Services Workers. Source: http://www.horsesforsources.com/indias-services-industry-set-to-los...