
Showing posts from October, 2012

Being there (Day 2)

On the first day of the Building Business Capabilities Conference in Florida, we shared our live modeling experience with a number of visitors. Sitting in our office in Apeldoorn - our BPM Lab - I created a working model-driven business application for one product: a life insurance. While some visitors of our booth thought they were looking at a prerecorded movie stream, others took the opportunity to actually go into the details of the models with me. Today I will continue my modeling work, expanding the model with a new product, a new case, some new decisions and whatever comes up in the conversations with the visitors of the booth. See you at booth 102 at BBC!

Being there (Day 1)

Due to the tropical storm Sandy, we were not able to come to the Building Business Capabilities Conference 2012 in Fort Lauderdale. Our BPM Lab will be open nevertheless: we have decided to come up with an innovative solution to our transportation problem. On the first day of the BBC Conference, from 9:00 am till 18:30 EST , you can watch us build a model-driven business application based on your input. Our colleague Dan Latham is on-site at booth 102 and will help us collect your ideas and requirements. Join Dan at booth 102 or connect to us from your notebook, iPad, iPhone or Android device on . Use the internet call option to join the discussion. So what are we going to do? Remember our wine tasting event last year? During the wine tasting I was collecting your input about taste, smell and color and made a classification tool on the fly to help you decide what wine would have the best fit with your personal preferences. The basis for this little applicati...

Working with requirements

"In engineering , a requirement is a singular documented physical and functional need that a particular product or service must be or perform. It is most commonly used in a formal sense in systems engineering , software engineering , or enterprise engineering . It is a statement that identifies a necessary attribute, capability, characteristic, or quality of a system for it to have value and utility to a user." Source: Wikipedia During the Building Business Capabilities conference 2012 in Fort Lauderdale, we are going to develop a working model-driven business application, based on the input provided by the audience. And although this will be in a "lab" situation, we want to stay as close to a real life situation as possible. And then working with requirements is an essential element. Both requirements and the Be Informed modeling artifacts (models, profiles, custom meta models) are aimed at the same goal: allowing the stakeholders of the system to ...

How we help BPM teams develop super powers

From October 30 - October 31, 2012 I will be at the Building Business Capabilities Conference in Fort Lauderdale in Florida to demonstrate how BPM teams can develop super powers. "What does this have to do with effective information?", I hear you think. Well the truth is that information is in the core of every BPM solution. And that is exactly what I am going to demonstrate during this co-called 2-day challenge. Visitors of the conference can assume the role of stakeholder, business analyst, process specialist and perhaps even modeler and feed me with the information needed to get a super-effective, super-streamlined, super-documented BPM solution in a super-short time. During these two days I will show how our tools and methodologies enable BPM teams to become super productive and overcome the frictions and inefficiencies of their current ways of working. I will start with an almost empty workspace with just enough concepts to have a working application: The pic...