
Showing posts from September, 2009

A new corporate Intranet

In 2006 I spoke at the STC Conference in Minneapolis about improving the effectiveness of corporate Intranetsites by using semantic technologies. At that time I was doing projects for the Dutch company Be Informed, involving combinations of decision support and case management. So my presentation was focussed on these aspects and on making optimal use of the knowledge within organizations. Now, two years later, I am again working with corporate Intranetsites. This time for USG People, the company I work for since the 1st of January 2009. Goal is to implement a new Content Management System within the organization and use this to create Intranetsites for all of its subsidiaries. Subsidaries like Start People, Unique, Content, Creyf's and Secretary Plus all will implement their own Intranet based on this single platform. My role will be to make sure that they learn to make the most out of this new platform.